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Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP)

The Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP) is a federally funded program that provides eligible Ohioans assistance with their home energy bills. This one-time benefit is applied directly to the customer’s utility bill or bulk fuel bill.  Families who live in federally subsidized housing where the heat is included in the rent are not eligible for HEAP.

























How do I apply?

You can begin your application online at but will need to contact your local Energy Assistance Provider to complete your application. When you apply, you will need to complete the Energy Assistance Application (English or Spanish) and submit a copy of the following documents:


  • Proof of U.S. Citizenship, or legal residency for all household members;

  • Proof of all household members and their date of birth;

  • Proof of household income, regardless of age, for the most recent 30 day period (or 12-months depending on your income type);

  • Copies of your most recent energy bills, or your account numbers and service providers at minimum;

  • Additional documentation may be required on a case-by-case basis depending on your household situation.


Please contact your local Energy Assistance Provider for a list of all required documents. Depending on your income type, additional forms may be required.  Samples of the additional forms can be found by clicking here. 

Don’t forget to sign the application. Not signing the application will delay the application process.

If you’re applying by mail, send your application and required documents to your local office at the address listed on the contact us page, or you may send your completed application to:

P.O. Box 1240
Columbus, Ohio 43216


Please note, mailing your application to the State address may result in a longer processing time as we do not receive your application as soon as it is received by the DoD.  The applications are added to a queue and send to us one at a time in the order they were received by the State.


Where do I get an Energy Assistance Application?

Click the link to download a copy of the Energy Assistance Program application (English or Spanish). Applications are also available at your Local Energy Assistance Provider, local libraries, county departments of Job and Family Services, and Area Agencies on Aging.


Applying is easy!  


By Appointment at:


  • 419-901-9539 (please note that once the appointments are full the appointment line will not accept new appointments until midnight for the next business day that appointments are available.  This system schedules appointments out 28 days in advance. â€‹


In Person as a Walk-In:


  • During Crisis season (SCP - July 1 - September 30 and WCP November 1 - March 31) walk-ins are accepted Monday - Friday from 8:00am to 8:30am, we accept the first four (4) people before scheduled appointments begin.  You must have a disconnect within the immediate week, already have service that is off, and/or have less than 25% bulk fuel.

  • During All Other Seasons - walk-ins are accepted all day long, no appointment necessary during non-crisis seasons (April 1 - June 30 & October 1 - October 31).


Apply Online at:



By Mail at:


  • Erie County - HEAP 908 Seavers Way, Sandusky, Ohio 44870

  • Huron County - HEAP 92 N. Prospect Street, Norwalk, Ohio 44875

  • Richland County - HEAP 597 Park Avenue East, Mansfield, Ohio 44905


       Or, you can mail your application to the State Department of Development at:


  • HEAP P.O. Box 1240, Columbus, Ohio 43216


Please note - when mailing your application to the State address you will experience longer than normal processing times.  These applications are not received by your local office until some time after the State receives them.


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